08502506700 Whose Phone Number?

08502506700 Whose Phone Number?

This number is Turkey’s yandex office number.

In recent days, those who do not know who this number belongs to have written to various complaint sites as fraudsters. In recent days, increasing fraud incidents have affected the fraudulent number of all 0850 numbers in humans. A righteous look at our people.

Turkey yandex customer service, the company is engaged in registration update by calling directory. There is nothing worrying about this.

Yandex is trying to enter into markets like Turkey google. When you call back number 08502506700, no communication is available because you are dealing with the answering machine.

Some of the complaints …

the number that rings and closes. I did not care enough about starting with 0850 but after a while it was tight and I said to call you what you are. the phone recorded a tape recording. By yandex I know what I am looking for to do an update then we will call again the tape recording. there is no salvation.

08502506700 asked me to call Yandex and asked if the number I called was a home or work phone number. When I asked her why, she spoke very disrespectfully and nervously, saying, “Ma’am, tell me this is a house or a job.” What kind of logic is that? I do not know why and why, and I have a nervous and irresponsible conversation. First explain why these calls were made. And I keep looking for it when I say I will not answer. I have not encountered such an uncomfortable incident.


As a result;

If neither 08502506700 nor the fraudulent call number is the number you will encounter. Contact number is Turkey’s second largest search engine.

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